Sunday, October 7, 2007

Black Mourning.....

Well what a shite week & weekend....

Monday & Tuesday the weather was atrocious and work just sucked.....

Wednesday our 42" Plasma suddenly died so stuck using our bedroom 21" - lots of squinting required....
more depressing....

Thursday brightened up a little when I called in a favour from an old flatmate who fast tracked out Plasma warranty fix and gave us a loan 32" LCD - at least we didn't have to squint as much.... Weather still atrocious with torrential rain, wind and stormy conditions.....
slightly not so depressing.....

Friday was ok - managed to do some study at work (hope work isn't reading this) but then spent the night at home doing crappy study.....
ok depressing again....

Saturday was back into work studying when outside was a GLORIOUS spring day with no wind and heaps of sunshine... Any normal person would've skiived off stoopid study and gone and enjoyed the day..... One's husband was out playing cricket on this glorious day but forgot his knee brace so an hours drive later (as I had to go home from work then come back in and drop it off) I got a small taste of fresh air when running on to the pitch to give him the brace.... but soon back to work to do project....
more depressing.....

then I ended up studying at home until midnight doing project work.....
very depressing......

Then France knocked us out of the world cup this morning.... I hope the boys have a good sports pyschologist...
that's more than depressing....

back at work now doing my project while husband is sulking at home. Oh and the weather has turned crap again....

I don't think I'll get out of bed tomorrow.....

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