Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fun weekend....

We had a FUN weekend just been.....!

....not only for the fact that it was a break from the first week back to work, but that we did two things that we never normally do.
Saturday night we went to the Speedway. I haven't been to the speedway since I was a kid!
It was the perfect weekend to go as Te Marua Speedway had a $10,000 fireworks display and a demolition derby at the end of normal racing.

Sunday we went to the Central Golden Retreiver Club Dogs Day out in Titahi Bay. Not only did Sage get to play with lots and lots and lots of other Golden Retreievers, but she also got to play at being a show dog, agility dog and meet a couple of her brothers, sisters and cousins.
Sage being followed by a small puppy

Anyway here are some pics of our Fun weekend - well actually the fun Sunday cause I didn't take my new cool very expensive camera to the speedway.

Sage learning how to be Show Dog (her cousin to the left of the pic and her show dog sister to the right)

Sage learning how to be an Agility Dog

Sage very satisfied at the end of a Fun Weekend!

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