Friday, July 13, 2007

Pre-weekend rant..

Well its the end of another week and weekend is nigh, social club drinks in 5 mins so far be it from me to be late to those (of course this means leaving work early so can't complain!)...

I'm actually quite excited about this upcoming weekend! On Wednesday I finally manged to persuade Matt (read whinge, moan, guilt trip....and then finally told) into finally getting broadband for home. Now there were a couple of good reasons for doing so (one of course trying to keep up with technology) but of course the main one was due to my post Grad being extramurral and improving the speed and ability to do my labs at home! Its been a real drag having to stay at work for all hours at night.... and then catching the late trains home.... hehe but was great fun talking to my mate in London via facebook while in bed late last night!!! aah the beauty of wireless broadband and laptops....

Anyway - free alchohol on tap - final calls coming so love to all and talk soon!!!....

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